Wednesday 30 September 2009

Hemorrhoids - Rid Yourself! 10 Proven Hemorrhoids Remedies!

Here's a helpful list of the top 10 hemorrhoid remedies that have been proven to help get rid of piles:

1) Horse Chestnut - has properties that help to increase blood flow and firm up the tissues in the surrounding areas. It's also a very powerful anti inflamatory so is good at soothing and calming the whole area.

It's not adviseable to use it if you have any problems with your liver and/or kidneys and definitely not if you're pregnant of breastfeeding.

2) To stop itching and painful hemorrhoids (is there any other type!) try mixing baptisia extract and lobelia equally with some zinc sulphate and water, and use it by soaking some cotton wool and cleaning the area with it.

3) A do-it-yourself version of preparation h can be made by mixing sulphur into a suspension of vaseline. It's a good pain relief - very soothing.

4) Pat the area with some cotton wool soaked in witch hazel. Witch hazel has anti septic properties and is also good at naturally constricting the blood flow.

5) If your suffering with bleeding hemorrhoids then you can stop the bleeding by drinking a glass of water with a couple of teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with each meal. You can also apply it neat to the area using cotton wool.

6) Doctors can offer thermotherapy - this is very good for shrinking the hemorrhoids.

7) Another solution that can be applied directly to the hemorrhoids is a spoonful of alum mixed with water.

8) If you don't fancy drinking the apple cider vinegar tincture then you could try doing the same but using cayenne pepper instead for the same result.

9) Echinacea, directly applied is an effective remedy to relieve itching and pain.

10) Mix equal quantities of lard and calomel and use directly as a cream.
These should relief the symptoms of your hemorrhoids but in order to be free of them for good then a far more in depth program needs to be done.

To find out more about hemorrhoids visit

Hemorrhoids Rid

Monday 21 September 2009

Is There A Permanent Cure For Piles?

Hemorrhoids, called piles, may frequently be a tender situation, and unfortunately, also a somewhat widespread one that affects both men and women. Hemorrhoids are in reality puffed-up veins that have been expanded under pressure and could develop owing to weakened tissue in close proximity to the anus and rectum.

While you experience from this excruciating situation, you are more apt to rummage around for any types of information that may assist you find out how to come to grips with piles and get rapid relief. Here you will discover a few supportive things that you can do when you search for the respite of such uncomfortable conditions as hemorrhoids:

- Firstly check with your doctor for information about piles and for their recommendations as they are informed of your health record and may have new treatment options you aren’t aware of.

- Complete various research and gain knowledge of what may set off or even exaggerate the condition of hemorrhoids. Some people have persistent problems with hemorrhoids. You want to realize what you can do to inhibit the return of piles.

- Withstand the frequent inclination of overusing topical hemorrhoid creams as while they do significantly help to lessen symptoms, too much tends to aggravate the condition causing even more discomfort, and none of these creams are capable of really treating the origin of the trouble.

- To prevent piles from bleeding, gently wash the area with apple cider vinegar, and for relief from itching, smarting, and discomfort, try witch hazel or a mix of petroleum jelly and sulfur applied with cotton swabs or alcohol-free, scent-free infant wipes.

- Horse chestnut is valuable as an herbal complement, as it improves blood flow, which can help fortify the connecting tissues surrounding a damaged vein that could grow to be a hemorrhoid. It will in addition assist in reducing the reddishness and inflammation of piles.

- Evade the discomfort and pain of piles by keeping the area clean. But, take care not to irritate the spot by over washing and do not use pungent soaps. Rinsing the spot well and meticulously is beneficial as well.

- Include a day by day exercise workout, to help improve your general good healthiness, whilst avoiding the sitting upon any hard surface for a long time.

- You may achieve softer stools while drinking a lot of water each day. Don't forget to include fiber-rich foods into your daily plan, such as heaps of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

One of the very most vital things you may do to help yourself when it comes to coping with piles is to slow down and strive not to stress or worry about having them. Piles are repeatedly linked with the old or with expectant women, but the reality is that any person can be affected by them at any time, and having them is undoubtedly nothing to be embarrassed about.

Hemorrhoids can be exceptionally uncomfortable and they may be throbbing as well; however, you are not isolated in this tussle to feel well again. They are a interim setback and they will go away on their own. With just a modest effort on your side, you could never have to deal with hemorrhoids for a second time. They are not a major health threat even though they can feel like they are support is accessible.


Tuesday 28 July 2009

Effective Treatment For Hemorrhoids

If you're looking for an effective treatment for hemorrhoids then first you have to have a brief explanation of what piles are. piles are veins inside the anus that for some reason have become swollen and bulbous. The veins become so engorged with trapped blood that the vein walls sometimes become so strained that they rupture and cause bleeding. This not only causes bleeding but also causes irritation, itching, extreme burning all of which makes it really awkward to keep the area clean.

Thankfully there are lots of home remedies that you can do to sooth piles in the comfort and privacy of your own house. These remedies are a very effective way of facilitating some short term relief from the symptoms although you'll need a solidly, tested program if you want to cure the cause and prevent any further outbreaks.

A great starting point is to take a warm bath and totally submerge yourself for at least fifteen minutes. Putting a handful of salt in the bath water should aid the cleaning of the area and promote healing too.

Mango and also the fruit's seeds are widely accepted as a great food to take in combating constipation and cleaning the intestine. These can be bought dried and then powdered and can be stored in an air tight container. Eating the powder morning and night is a good way to clean the bowel, you can also add it to honey if that's better.

Aloe Vera in liquid form could be doused onto some cotton wool and patted on the anal region, this helps to reduce the burning that hemorrhoids tend to give. Witch Hazel is also a natural anti septic and astringent so using this the same way as you did the Aloe Vera gives a cooling and cleaning quality.

Making an infusion of water and coriander seeds, straining the seeds out then drinking the water will cease any bleeding that you could be having.

Cranberries are not only great for cystitis, they're also a good pain reliever too. The best way of using them is to make them into a suppository and insert it up into the anus for a good couple of hours. Whisk them around in a food processor till they're a pulp then put a tiny amount in some cheesecloth before pushing up into the lower rectum.

Radishes make an excellent treatment and can be used in much a similar way but externally instead, chopping them finely to make a poultice. Mash a radish in with a splash of milk and put it on the anal area. This is frequently used as an overnight application so that it doesn't come through onto your clothes. If you've not got a fragile constitution you could also drink the juice from the radish as well. A very powerful way of reducing the inflamation and the pain.

Any one of these home remedies should give you a short term effective treatment for hemorrhoids. Be aware though, should you need a permanent cure you must get a tried and tested program.

Monday 27 July 2009

Do You Want To Know How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last?

The query on every hemorrhoid sufferers lips is generally "how long do hemorrhoids last?" piles are an extremely uncomfortable ailment at the best of times. If you're in agony it's aknowleged that you want to know where the light at the end of the tunnel is.

It's a viscious twist that although hemorrhoids are one of the most frequent conditions it's by far the least discussed unless in jest, making it practically impossible to get the right answer to "how long do hemorrhoids last?".

This article is intended to slice through all the stigmas and let you to get the information you require. You should be aware of a few factors with connection to piles. Many piles merely clear up of their own accord after a few days whilst some get worse and worse until the sufferer ends up facing invasive surgery believing that is the only option. As you can see the answer to the question of "how long do hemorrhoids last?" is not something that can be answered in a few lines.

In order for you to give yourself an estimate of timescale your must first establish how bad your condition is. An unexpected attack as a result of your stools becoming hard and difficult to pass could well disappear very quickly, some drugs can cause this to happen and once your body rebalances itself the piles should go. You just need to allow the swelling and inflammation to subside. To be a bit more specific, attacks like these generally last somewhere in the region of a week to a fortnight.

If your hemorrhoids have reached the phase where they're thrombosed or prolapsed then this category are a lot trickier to heal. These kinds of hemorrhoids are just about as bad as it gets, and it goes without saying that they are the most painful. Surgery really is a desperate action and the decision to go ahead shouldn't be taken flippantly as it's not as easy as it sounds. Healing time after the surgery is lengthy and by no means without discomfort often proving to be more painful than the hemorrhoids.

Unfortunately it doesn't cease there, once you've had this kind of hemorrhoid there's a high chance that you'll be facing the surgeons knife again in the future.

Once hemorrhoids become thrombosed or prolapsed you could be given the following choices.

Rubber Band Ligation - a medical professional would attempt to stop the flow of blood to the piles by wrapping rubber bands round their bases. The treatment isn't without discomfort and results aren't immediate, a timescale af a couple of weeks is common.

Another proceedure is infrared coagulation. It's a popular proceedure when tackling piles. The job of the infrared is to repel blood from the piles. On a plus note this procedure is relatively pain free and needs a few trips to the doctors. It'll probably be several weeks before you feel any kind of relief.

Hemorrhoidectomy - By far the most drastic and painful forms of treatment and requires a full anaesthetic. Healing time is a long (typically up to two months). The piles are basically cut off in this procedure.

The article here is fairly lengthy but hopefully you can see the reason why "how long do hemorrhoids last?" is not a straightforward question, it also only takes into account the conventional methods and not powerful alternatives where healing time can be considerably reduced.

Thursday 11 June 2009

How To Find A Cure For Piles

The thing that most people forget when trying to get rid of piles is that practically all of us have them it's just a percentage of people that actually experience problems. It's not easy to get rid of piles unless you're armed with the correct knowledge, unless you attack the root cause you're almost certain to have repeat attacks.
A closer look at the way you're living your life is the first focus. Our diet is a huge factor, especially in our fast food, "rush- rush" culture. Countries that are not so developed and have diets that are mainly cereal based, have rarely even heard of piles as their stools are far softer and therefore don't cause staining or constipation.

We don't have to sacrifice the odd take away and completely live on cereals but what we can do is to reduce the intake balance of certain culprit foods and up the levels of the foods that will keep our systems working healthily and regularly. Bowel movements will be slower if you have a high intake of proteins such as meat, so reducing the amount you eat will help to keep the bowel moving more regularly. A lack of water in the diet is a big reason for stools to become hard, so make sure you drink plenty, especially if the weather is hot.

Starting your program to get rid of piles is always more beneficial if you begin with a good colon cleanse. Laxatives can be very harsh on the bodies system as opposed to colon cleansers that will eliminate waste far more thoroughly and gently . It's been discovered that an average grown up regularly stores faeces that can weigh up to thirty pounds. The health benefits of flushing that amount of waste and toxins out of the system is enormous and you'll find that other afflictions such as bloatedness and bad breath will go as well. Take great care not to use laxatives for too long as they can cause permanent damage to the muscles in the intestine, making them lazy and unable to do their job. The worst outcome is that you could become dependent on laxatives in order to pass a stool.

Simple changes that add foods which are higher in fibre are easily added to your everyday routine. Choose a wholemeal bread for your toast in the morning and a glass of fresh orange or even prune juice to start your day. Certain fruits such as grapes, raspberries and raisins can easily be taken with you to work and eaten as snacks instead of biscuits and chocolate. Fatty foods are a huge culprit in causing digestive problems so avoid cheese and fried foods where possible. Try to choose a low fat option if faced with a menu, you could choose a jacket potato instead of fries, making sure to eat the skin as this is where the majority of the fibre is.

No matter how bad your situation is, you can change it, but if you are serious in your search to get rid of piles then there are some proven programs that can clear them for good. Alas, even surgery will not guarantee that you get rid of piles permanently although it will get rid of the ones causing a problem at the present time. So may find yourself in the position of facing another bout of surgery further down the line which involves a high level of afterpain and a prolonged recovery period.

If you want to find more information about your condition and a cure for piles visit our site at