Thursday, 11 June 2009

How To Find A Cure For Piles

The thing that most people forget when trying to get rid of piles is that practically all of us have them it's just a percentage of people that actually experience problems. It's not easy to get rid of piles unless you're armed with the correct knowledge, unless you attack the root cause you're almost certain to have repeat attacks.
A closer look at the way you're living your life is the first focus. Our diet is a huge factor, especially in our fast food, "rush- rush" culture. Countries that are not so developed and have diets that are mainly cereal based, have rarely even heard of piles as their stools are far softer and therefore don't cause staining or constipation.

We don't have to sacrifice the odd take away and completely live on cereals but what we can do is to reduce the intake balance of certain culprit foods and up the levels of the foods that will keep our systems working healthily and regularly. Bowel movements will be slower if you have a high intake of proteins such as meat, so reducing the amount you eat will help to keep the bowel moving more regularly. A lack of water in the diet is a big reason for stools to become hard, so make sure you drink plenty, especially if the weather is hot.

Starting your program to get rid of piles is always more beneficial if you begin with a good colon cleanse. Laxatives can be very harsh on the bodies system as opposed to colon cleansers that will eliminate waste far more thoroughly and gently . It's been discovered that an average grown up regularly stores faeces that can weigh up to thirty pounds. The health benefits of flushing that amount of waste and toxins out of the system is enormous and you'll find that other afflictions such as bloatedness and bad breath will go as well. Take great care not to use laxatives for too long as they can cause permanent damage to the muscles in the intestine, making them lazy and unable to do their job. The worst outcome is that you could become dependent on laxatives in order to pass a stool.

Simple changes that add foods which are higher in fibre are easily added to your everyday routine. Choose a wholemeal bread for your toast in the morning and a glass of fresh orange or even prune juice to start your day. Certain fruits such as grapes, raspberries and raisins can easily be taken with you to work and eaten as snacks instead of biscuits and chocolate. Fatty foods are a huge culprit in causing digestive problems so avoid cheese and fried foods where possible. Try to choose a low fat option if faced with a menu, you could choose a jacket potato instead of fries, making sure to eat the skin as this is where the majority of the fibre is.

No matter how bad your situation is, you can change it, but if you are serious in your search to get rid of piles then there are some proven programs that can clear them for good. Alas, even surgery will not guarantee that you get rid of piles permanently although it will get rid of the ones causing a problem at the present time. So may find yourself in the position of facing another bout of surgery further down the line which involves a high level of afterpain and a prolonged recovery period.

If you want to find more information about your condition and a cure for piles visit our site at

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